From David Tarver

Happy Birthday, Diane!

A lot has happened since those crazy 1970s, and a lot has changed. Some things haven’t changed, though. You’re still the exceedingly smart math nerd I met at Bell Labs in 1976. You still crave adventure and the sporting life. You still possess more strength and integrity than practically anyone I know. And you’re still my friend for life.

I wish you nothing but the joy you so richly deserve on this special occasion. I wish we could be there to celebrate with you, but that will just be an excuse for another dinner (and drinks, and red face) in a few months. I hope you’re enjoying the celebration with our two incredible kids and Corey and Lesley, and with your newest student, the irrepressible Naijah de Dios Tarver.

All the best!


(with Kishna, Nadiyah, and Honey!)

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