From Liz Choy & Jim Lobsenz

Happy 70, Diane!

So many good memories of our long friendship:

* You were an amazingly good sleeper: When we roomed together at Stanford, it was understood that I would have to turn off your morning alarm and wake you up to start your day.  Here you are at a recent gals reunion, still in good form:

* You are a loyal Stanford alum, returning for college reunions and rooting on their sports teams:

* You are a supportive friend, traveling to DC for Scott’s RESULTS award ceremony:

* You have always been there for me, as a bridesmaid at our wedding, as a faithful guest at our daughters’ weddings (2 cross-country trips in 2 months!),

as a guest in our home or a hostess in yours.

Love you and cherish you,

Liz (and Jim!)

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