From Joan Gotti and Kevin McGettigan

Happy birthday to a fierce, playful, strong woman of the world. We love you Diane and wish you the happiest of birthdays in the year of the Rabbit. We miss you terribly here in the Little Silver ‘hood! Kevin especially misses you wise cracking in the back of the LSD meetings. The best things in life aren’t things (Art Buchwald). Diane, you have always gotten this. We knew it from the moment we met you. Peace, love and blessings on this momentous day. Your pals, Joan and Kevin

From Chien Lee

Dear Diane,

Happy 70th!

I don’t know if you had the same recollection, but 70 would have seemed so old when you and I and Jeremy and Cliff were in that advanced math class together as freshmen.  You realize that when the rather old and forgetful George Dantzig lectured to us (i.e. told us war stories),  he had just turned 60.   So I think we can say we’ve had long and memorable personal journeys to be treasured.

I am sorry to hear about your health issue but I’m sure you will pull through like you always did quarterbacking your championship touch football team!

I realize you are getting the best of care at MSK but if ever you want a second opinion from Stanford Medicine, I happen to be a past member of the Stanford Hospital’s board and know some of the oncology team there. 

Lastly a bit of news:  my family and I are well and still living in Hong Kong.  We have one son about to be married.  We are beginning to emerge from the loosening of our anti-COVID protocols which prevented us from travelling during the past three years.  So I look forward to seeing you at our next reunion.

Here’s to lifelong shared fond memories.

With warmest regards,


From Liz Choy & Jim Lobsenz

Happy 70, Diane!

So many good memories of our long friendship:

* You were an amazingly good sleeper: When we roomed together at Stanford, it was understood that I would have to turn off your morning alarm and wake you up to start your day.  Here you are at a recent gals reunion, still in good form:

* You are a loyal Stanford alum, returning for college reunions and rooting on their sports teams:

* You are a supportive friend, traveling to DC for Scott’s RESULTS award ceremony:

* You have always been there for me, as a bridesmaid at our wedding, as a faithful guest at our daughters’ weddings (2 cross-country trips in 2 months!),

as a guest in our home or a hostess in yours.

Love you and cherish you,

Liz (and Jim!)

From Dana Vaccarelli

When I think about what Stacy and I put you through as teenagers… I can only be grateful for your forgiveness and understanding. Diane you are such a special person. I’ve learned so much from you in my formative years. You were impressive to me then and you’re even more impressive to me now. 

Love and light on your bday!!!